A downloadable game


You play as a unnamed Nomad who travels to a mysterious kingdom. There he ventures into the depths of the kingdom and discovers a horrible secret. Travel through three layers in the depths to find the source of the nomad’s curiosity.


A unnamed nomad, wearing dark robes, carrying a sword that changes overtime.


2D camera that follows the player wherever he goes.


Movement:  WASD

Jump:  Space Bar

Attack: K (subject to change)

Downward Attack: K while holding down S

Upward Attack: K while holding down W

Use Healing Potion: H

Dash: Left Shift


2D Action/Side-Scrolller/Dungeon Crawler

Hook of the game:

For players who enjoy the dark fantasy genre and action focused games. It also has challenging bosses for players who enjoy challenging encounters in games


Pogo attack: When attacking downward onto an enemy, the player propels themselves upwards a bit from the enemy.

Dash: The player can dash forward for a short distance.

Healing Potion: The player will have a set amount of healing potions that can be increased throughout the game.

Requirements Planning:

Pogo attack: When the player attacks downwards onto an enemy, the player will recoil themselves upward from the enemy. This works by adding a upward vector force to the player's rigidbody whenever they strike the enemy from above.

Dash: This mechanic works by adding a vector force to the player whenever they press the dash button. The dash will also have a cooldown to prevent spam dashing. This works by using a coroutine to add dash cooldown.

Healing System: The player will have a UI bar showing the current health of the player. The bar goes down when the player is hit by an enemy, and goes up when the player consumes a potion. The player has a set amount of potions at the start of the game. The player can increase the max amount of potions the player can carry by collecting shards throughout the game.

(Under Development)Lights: Some lights in the game turn on and off when the player approaches them. This will be done by adding a collision to the light object and set in active when the player collides with the light collision .

(Under Development)Boss: At the end of the level, a boss will prevent the player from leaving the level. The player must fight and defeat the boss in order to leave the level. 

Members of this project: Kyle.C and Enzo


BlackHeartGame.zip 28 MB

Development log

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